For Cultivators
Get paid to grow legal supply for DC’s Initiative-71 compliant retailers.
Legally cultivate up to 12 cannabis plants in your home and get paid for your time and services.
For Supporters
The farm-to-table of cannabis. Get to know grower’s backgrounds, methods, and experience.
You can also read reviews from other supporters, give thanks and other feedback directly to cultivators, and tip them for exceptional products.
For the District
Green Acres alleviates the challenges and consumer risk associated with the “grey markets” set up in the wake of Initiative 71.
Green Acres establishes transparency, verified product, and community investment - the cornerstones of a legalized Cannabis market currently being handcuffed by Congress.
Accounting Compliance
Green Acres provides a clear audit trail that chronologically catalogs events and procedures to provide support documentation and history that can be used to authenticate security and operational actions, or mitigate challenges. These records provide grower’s proof of compliance and operational integrity. They can also be used to identify areas of non-compliance by providing information for internal audit investigations.
Illegal cannabis sales in DC generally occur one of two ways: either as an all cash transaction, or as a purchase transaction of unassociated goods or services, after which a “gifting” of cannabis occurs between two parties. At best, businesses operating in the gifting economy have an accounting of goods or services sold. At worst, illegal transactions occur under the table, with no records of sale. In both cases, there is no way of knowing whether parties are acting in compliance with the District’s cannabis law.
Green Acres makes it easy for growers, partners, and supporters to account for their compliance with Initiative 71, making previously under-the-table transactions, completely above board.
Green Acres can fully account for the numerous and varied activities of growers and supporters in a closed-loop system that is constantly monitored to prevent misuse, hacking, or corruption of information.

“Right now, our laws are basically leading adults who want to use cannabis to an illegal market, and illegal markets are not safe.”
- Mayor Muriel Bowser